This fourth (and probably last, at least for now) installment of the free writing tools series is mostly relevant if you want to self-publish and therefore need to format your manuscript into an EPUB ebook. (On the other hand, even if you plan to publish traditionally, the EPUB format might …
Free Writing Tools, Part 3: Papyrus Author
In the last two installments of this series I introduced you to the tool I use for planning and the tool I use for writing a first draft. But as brilliant as it is to write “The End” under your first draft, it is actually only the beginning of the …
Free Writing Tools, Part 2: Focus Writer
FocusWriter is a simple, completely distraction free word processor that hides everything away. All you can see is the dreaded blank page. Maybe that sounds scary to you. Maybe it sounds like something you don’t need. But I urge you to try it out. .
Free Writing Tools, Part 1: TiddlyWiki
Tools are fun and can make your writing life easier, but they can also cost you in both time and money. At least the latter does not have to happen, though. There are plenty of excellent free writing tools available, either as open source or as free introductory levels for commercial programs. Today we’ll take a look at my favorite way to organize my project notes: TiddlyWiki.